Thursday, 30 June 2016


Tennis pro Peter Jantzen  

IT'S that time of year when we all rush to get our tennis rackets out. Or at least grab a jug of Pimm's and some fresh strawberries and cream and sit down to watch Wimbledon.
Danish-born Peter Jantzen was one of the top tennis players in his native Denmark and among the top thousand in the world. Now a businessman, he spends his time between Denmark and Wimbledon and is still passionate about the sport.
Here the charismatic Jantzen shares his top five tips for better tennis. 

1. Take good care of yourself when playing any sport. And not just when you are on court - there are all sorts of hidden dangers ahead of the match, such as back strain when packing your case, or poor posture when carrying your kit. Watch your posture and be aware of your body and make sure not to carry too much.

Peter with his beautiful wife Anna Dall Kaur 

You should also try to stay off the anti-inflammatories - there are some pros I know that pop them like tic tacs, but the long term effects can include ulcers. I use the Life Wave Patches, which I discovered a few years back, and which have changed my life. The Ice Wave ones are a miracle, even though I'm not quite sure how they work. At the age of almost 60, I have the vitality and stamina  of a thirty year old.

2 Forget stretching. It's over-rated and won't add anything to your tennis. Unless you have a professional working one-on-one with you, it could be counter productive. Instead, go to a Pilates class - that really hits the button and keeps your spine form ageing as fast.

3 Always warm up before a match and get your mind into the game too. Simply have a play around or hit the ball against wall.

4 Make sure you have a good diet with plenty of vegetables and good proteins. As you get older, supplements are a must. I've been taking Maverick 
As men get older, their bodies turn testosterone into oestrogen, which makes us tired and can reduce libido. But with this product I'm like a new man.

5 Keep it fun. There's nothing worse than parents who take their children's sport too seriously and try to force their own dreams onto their offspring. Make sure it's fun too - and that also goes for adults. If you love something, the results can be amazing. 
But you're still allowed to simply enjoy the sport from your couch with a glass of fizz!

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Copy Right Steven Smith